There are all sorts of questions that we all want Donald Trump to answer directly. But we know, however, that he is neither interested nor capable of providing a straight...
First I binged on the Olympics, and now I’ve just finished watching the Democratic National Convention. Both were really fun—full of gold medal performances and reasons for celebration. And as...
October 7, 2023 was a very sad day. Forget that Israeli intelligence should have been aware of the treachery that Hamas was plotting. Forget that the Netanyahu government has provided...
The world looked on with great interest as Russian warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin ordered his troops to turn their weapons away from the enemy in Kyiv and aim them at the...
News on the Donald Trump front has been sparse. He hasn’t raped or even attempted to rape any women lately. I guess that he hasn’t found anyone in recent times...
I awoke this morning, began reading the news, and learned that the next President of the United States had announced HER candidacy. Let’s have it on record from the start:...
In recent times, sightings of extraterrestrial objects seem to have gone down, but sightings of three-school-bus-sized floating objects seem to have gone up. Apparently these days we feel more directly...
A devastating war continues in Ukraine, daily killing innocent civilians whose only crime is to live in a country that Vladimir Putin wants to annex. Innocent men are beaten and...
Tyre Nichols. His name was never meant to be front page headlines. His body was never meant to be in the Memphis morgue. In the never-ending history of violence in...
Sitting on moral high ground for so long, Joe Biden has enjoyed the opportunity to watch from above as various Republican frauds, charlatans, and sociopaths wallow in the mud through...