The Pantheon of Political Idiots

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Reading the news this morning, I was fascinated to find  that Mike Lindell, he of My Pillow fame and I-don’t-care-what-the-facts-are-I-know-the-election-was-stolen infamy, wants to become the head of the Republican National Committee.

Thinking about Mr. Lindell, a poor soul who has almost completely lost touch with reality, I wondered whether he had risen—or should I say fallen—far enough to have gained entry into the PPI, the Pantheon of Political Idiots.

Compared to the lightweight lightweights, does Mike deserve to stand side by side with someone like Rick Perry? Might it be possible that Mike could name more than two of the three government agencies that he was proposing to eliminate?  

Or how about the heavyweight lightweights. Could Mike stand toe-to-toe with Dan Quayle who regretted not studying Latin hard enough in school to converse with the people of Latin America.

Or with Sarah Palin who thought that the political value of being from Alaska was that you could see Russia from there?

Or with George W. Bush who asserted that people had “misunderestimated” him. Who could possibly misunderestimate the man who proudly told us that he stands “for anti-bigotry, anti-Semitism, and anti-racism.”

As much as it’s fun to cite their numerous malapropisms and mock these individuals who were challenged by a lack of intelligence and learning, the scariest part of this is that these individuals had achieved positions of significant responsibility, yet had no insight into their limitations, no ability to realize that they were overmatched.

In a strange way, I feel sorry for Herschel Walker, another classic lightweight. I’m certain that those who pushed him into the political arena glossed over the fact that he might have to know something, that he might actually have to understand the nature of electoral politics or climate change, no less to hold steady in opposition to abortion after encouraging it among the women he had impregnated. In his heart of hearts, I’m pretty sure that poor Herschel knows he is out of his league.

But after all is said and done, it all comes back to the Heavyweight Lightweight Champion of the World,  Donald John Trump. When lack of knowledge combines with total lack of hubris and real power, we are in trouble.

The crux of the problem is that in any situation and on any topic, Donald thinks—change that, he knows–that he is the smartest person in the room. He knows more about military strategy than those silly West Point generals—even if he avoided military service with a phony diagnosis of heel spurs.

He knows more about medical issues than any of those charlatans who went to Harvard Medical School. You want to get rid of COVID, says he, drink Lysol, inject light into the body, take hydroxychloroquine. I know better, and if you think I’m wrong then you’re the fool, says our former president, Donald J.

Mike Lindell is one scary guy, a seed fallen from the tree of idiocy nurtured in a soil rich in ignorance, fear, and hatred. Luckily he’s stupid and relatively powerless. But there are other candidates working their way up who may be smart as well as evil.

I worry about this not only every day but every night, and I can’t get to sleep. Maybe I should try getting one of those soft and comfy My Pillows.

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