A devastating war continues in Ukraine, daily killing innocent civilians whose only crime is to live in a country that Vladimir Putin wants to annex. Innocent men are beaten and...
Tyre Nichols. His name was never meant to be front page headlines. His body was never meant to be in the Memphis morgue. In the never-ending history of violence in...
Sitting on moral high ground for so long, Joe Biden has enjoyed the opportunity to watch from above as various Republican frauds, charlatans, and sociopaths wallow in the mud through...
My name is George Santos, er, Santana, er, Saltamacchia, er, not really George, but Jorge. Well, I’m actually Bruce Schwartz. Elected as congressman, er, mayor, er, dog catcher from the...
Every year I sit down and read or watch some version of the Year in Review, whether from Dave Barry, CNN, or whomever. It’s valuable to look back and get...
Endgame. It’s a term often associated with chess, but more generally it refers to the final stages of some ongoing process. When I think of endgame, I’m asking myself, after...
Most people agree that the Immaculate Reception is the single most memorable moment in professional football history. In a playoff game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Oakland Raiders, Steelers’...
As a Trump watcher, I was very interested in the “major announcement” that the former president said he was going to make a couple of days ago. Would it involve...
Today was a great and historic day marked by the coronation of Donald the First, High Imperial Ruler of the nation once known as the United States of America. Having...