Thoughts on Watching the Democratic National Convention

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I admit it. I’ve been watching the Democratic National Convention the last couple of nights, and not just the Reader’s Digest version on the networks, but all two hours each night on CNN. When you think of it, it’s nothing more than a five-part infomercial, a slick set of quick endorsements from “everyday people” and longer speeches from Michelle Obama et al. The two-pronged message of it all is simple:

Donald Trump is poison. Joe Biden is the antidote.

You can get the cure at your local polling place on Nov 3, or better yet, cast your ballot by mail. You know, the ever-reliable US Postal Service, or what we’ve come to know as Snail Mail. Neither snow nor rain nor Louis DeJoy stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

I must admit so far that I think they’ve done a pretty nice job of doing what they need to do in delivering both sides of their message. Michelle Obama, while still insisting that she goes high when others go low, did a pretty good job of cutting Donald down at the knees with some strongly worded assertions: He’s the wrong man for the job; he’s in over his head. It’s not as if we didn’t know this already, but it sure sounded good to hear someone like the former First Lady say it loud and clear for all to hear.

In addition to the anti-Trump side of the coin, the other half of the message is the pro-Biden angle. In another era, when foreign policy or taxes might have been our greatest concerns, this time around it’s about character. Yes, every presidential candidate has always tried to convince us that he’s a likable fellow (or in Hillary’s case that she’s not that unlikable), but this time the heart of the man is the heart of the story.

At some level, even the most loyal Trump supporter must recognize just how self-centered he is, how he seems incapable of caring about any human being other than himself. But could it be that his recent Axios interview will finally be the albatross that hangs round his neck? When asked what he thought of the fact that thousands of Americans are dying of COVID-19 every day, the best the ever-empathetic Mr. Trump could offer us was, “It is what it is.”

Joe Biden has been painted as the anti-Trump, and, you know, it’s not a hard sell. Joe has faced overwhelming tragedy in his life, the loss of a spouse and the loss of children, both young and old. Having endured his own pain, it’s easy to make a case that Joe feels the pain of others. Joe’s got working class roots, and is a man for whom religion plays an important role.

You could see yourself sitting down with Joe (post-pandemic), chatting over a beer and talking about family or the local ball team. As for Dear Donald, you could see yourself playing a round of golf together at the club, deciding not to confront him about moving his ball for a better lie on both the 6th and 14th holes, and then eyeing a couple of attractive young women at the bar.  

So whichever ad agency has put together this slick DNC infomercial, they seem to have gotten it right so far. They’ve done a pretty good job of preaching the gospel of Joe, and I and the other members of the choir, have been listening and saying, “Praise the Lord.” Are there any disaffected Republicans or undecided voters who’ve been attending services, if just to sneak a peek? We know that the Donald has been watching. Let’s hope that a few TVs have also been on in places like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

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Michael Saks
Michael Saks
4 years ago

Someone commented elsewhere that: “Michelle Obama went high — right for Trump’s jugular.”

Richard Smith
4 years ago

roundhouse to the solar plexus, speer to the bone-spurred heel, elbow to the glass jaw, virus to the pre-existing condition . . . whatever it the Almighty judges deserving.



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