I awoke this morning, began reading the news, and learned that the next President of the United States had announced HER candidacy.
Let’s have it on record from the start: I will not vote for Nikki Haley. As little as I know about her as of now, I am absolutely certain that I will find Joe Biden far more attractive to me as a candidate. How could I ever trust the wisdom of a politician who endorsed Herschel Walker?
And if Joe somehow changes his mind about running and decides to ride off into the sunset, I can virtually guarantee that I will find any one of the many Democrats who will jump into the race far more in line with my values, preferences, and politics.
But, although I cannot imagine voting for Nikki Haley, I can imagine that many many others would.
The entry of Nikki Haley into the race fills me with ambivalence. To the extent that she might attract women, that, at age 51, she will be able to make a case for a new generation of leaders to emerge, that she is a minority—the daughter of two middle class immigrants from India—I’d bet that many constituencies across this country might find her attractive.
I’m not happy about that. I don’t want a conservative Republican in the White House in 2024.
But then I remind myself that it is possible that a Republican might win the Presidential election, and I ask myself how I would feel about Nikki Haley—as little as I know about her yet—versus the likely Republican alternatives.
Haley vs… Donald Trump? Please God, don’t let that dangerous, lying buffoon get anywhere near the White House, even as a tourist.
Haley vs… Ron DeSantis? Almost as dangerous as Trump. A man who believes in authoritarian control and in censorship, who is against everything that this country might actually stand for.
Haley vs… Mike Pence. Imagine how bad the two guys ahead of him have to be for Bible-toting Mike Pence to be only the third most scary possible candidate out there.
Haley vs… Ted Cruz? Marco Rubio? Marjorie Taylor Greene? Oy veh, my blood pressure goes up just thinking about this group of incompetents and villains.
Oh, a positive thought. There is one scenario that brings the blood pressure down: After a series of contentious primary battles with Trump’s forces of evil, Haley wins the Republican nomination, and the ultimate egotist decides that only he should be President. Trump forms a third party, splits the conservative vote, and allows very old, sort-of-reliable 82 year old Joe Biden to waltz into the White House.
It really could happen, given that Donald Trump cares about nothing but himself, nonetheless I rate that as little more than a pipe dream, so I’m setting the odds on that as fairly low.
But if the Trumpster doesn’t do something to guarantee her failure, you heard it from me first:
There goes Nikki Haley, Madam President.