From the beginning of the Trump presidency, it always seemed as if every day brought the possibility that His Excellence would sink to new lows. And he never failed to...
Sitting at home for too long can addle the brain, I’ve determined. But I’ve also determined that not sitting at home can be dangerous to life and limb, so… I’m...
Donald J Trump, Lord and Ruler of his Vast Domain, has declared that if he wants to do it, that’s what will be done. No matter what “it” is, “it”...
I’ve heard it said that “Donald Trump has blood on his hands.” That phrase sounds so harsh to me that my first reaction is to back far away from it....
So here I am sitting at home, social distancing (who could have predicted that “distance” would ever become a verb), with all the time in the world to write my...
Without realizing it, this morning my wife and I turned our daily COVID-19 discussion into a Bud Abbott-Lou Costello routine. Our dialog went something to the effect of: She: WHO...
Hi, my name is Anthony Fauci. You’ve probably gotten used to seeing me on TV every day at those press conferences. You know, I’m 79 already and I probably should...
Rank ordering what to think about and write about today was quite simple for me. The clear #1 was coping with the COVID-19 virus, nothing else was even close. Still,...
These days everything seems to be determined by a particularly slender balance. If you were at the Biogen conference and shook hands with or possibly even followed the wrong person...
The Corona virus has spread wildly, via direct contact with those infected and via direct contact with the media. Believed to have started in Wuhan China and spread rapidly, it...