Outrageous and offensive positions emerge everyday from the depths of stupidity and insanity. Sometimes the source is one of the usual suspects—people like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene never seem to run out of things that amaze and affront people with IQs of greater than 75. Other times, we get a new challenger for the title of village idiot.
To someone of my generation, the name Kennedy still has a magic glow. Although John and Bobby are long gone, and while several of the Kennedy clan have dabbled in politics without much impact, it’s pretty automatic that public statements coming from family members who summer in Hyannis Port will be to my liking.
And then there’s Robert F Kennedy Jr. A quick look at his bio doesn’t offer a clue to the kind of bizarre thinker he has become. Sixty-nine years old, he’s the third of 11 of Bobby’s offspring, 14 years old when his Dad was killed. Went to Harvard (of course), got a law degree, yada yada yada. Never having run for or served in public office, he’s decided to challenge Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee for President. But while the apple usually doesn’t fall for from the tree, Bobby Jr has demonstrated that a rotten apple can occasionally roll into a completely different zip code.
Not only is the man staunchly anti-vax, but in ways that are worrisome in a larger sense. Denying any racial bias, he has asserted that COVID-19 has been engineered to affect Caucasian and Black people while sparing those who are Chinese as well as Ashkenazi Jews. He believes that Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are financially profiting from the COVID vaccine program.
And he points out that baseball star Hank Aaron died after taking the vaccine, classically missing the distinction between correlation and causality. We might note also that Aaron died after having his daily meal and talking to his family, but relatively few people have suggested that these activities might be listed on his death certificate. To remind us that great minds think alike, Rep. Jim Jordan, that intellectual giant from the great State of Ohio, has pointed out that RFK Jr’s statements about the relationship between Hank Aaron and the vaccine are technically correct.
But amid all the wild claims and misinformation that fill the air these days, every now and then one comes along that clearly pollutes the environment worse than all the others. And although the source is not officially the governor of the Sunshine State, it has the hands of Ron DeSantis all over it. The Florida Board of Education, that highly reputable group of scholars and forward thinkers, has chosen to revise the teaching of slavery for all Florida high schoolers.
Trying to avoid being woke, this group wants to offer a more “balanced” story of slavery, one that informs us that there was violence on both sides. The victims were often to blame, they tell us, and anyway slavery wasn’t really that bad after all. Black people received “personal benefit” from slavery, they “developed skills.” For heaven’s sake, when you balance the decades-long enslavement of a whole race of people against the fact that some learned skills, that sounds like a fair trade-off to me.
And yes, hot off the presses, the crack staff of the Kru’s Control has gotten an advance copy of Florida’s newly minted version of the Holocaust, to be read by school children young and old: “The Holocaust was an opportunity for many Jews in Europe to relocate. Given a personal police escort, these people were driven directly to train stations at no cost, and given all-expense trips to camps throughout Europe. Never once did the German government ask these freeloaders for payment for their residences or food.
“Just as men such as Crispus Attucks and George Washington Carver reaped the generous rewards of slavery, Jews also benefited from their German friends. After all, if not for the opportunities and experiences afforded Anne Frank by the Nazi government, she never would have become a world-famous author.”
RFK, Jr. is a very sick man–mentally, to be sure, but, as I think–with no medical qualifications–physically as well: his speech before the House of Representatives was erratic. And he has caused a great many of deaths in, among other places, Samoa: look it up. As for there being a “both sides” to slavery, the ignorance and shamefulness of such a position offers a new low for any public figure advancing it. As the post says, this is just like saying the Germans were offering kindness to the 6 million Jews, the Gypsies, and Gay people they exterminated. But don’t… Read more »
Sung Hee tells me that some Japanese justified their subjugation of Korea by claiming that their presence helped modernized this backward country. The beat goes on.