Super Tues, when 15 states hold their primary elections, is sometimes exciting—and sometimes not! File this one under NOT. Super Tuesday is only super when a number of Presidential contestants...
There it was on CNN. Breaking news: Donald Trump is guilty of fraud. He is a cheat. A conniver. A liar. A scammer. A swindler. A trickster. A deceiver. An...
“I’ll admit it. It’s been a tough week. On the way down to Atlanta, they ran out of diet Coke on the jet—imagine that, on my own damn jet. Can’t...
“You know, being President was so much easier than being a candidate again. When I was President, I’d get up at 10, watch a little Fox News to make me...
“Sir, do you think that Donald Trump lied to steal the 2020 election?” “Who knows? Who cares? But what about that Hunter Biden—we should lock him up.” “Sir, should we...
When they sat down to write the Constitution, the founders of this nation were well aware of the anti-democratic tendencies of power-hungry leaders, and they set down a series of...
Outrageous and offensive positions emerge everyday from the depths of stupidity and insanity. Sometimes the source is one of the usual suspects—people like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene never...
Back in 2016 when he announced he was running for the Presidency, those of us who knew Donald Trump as a businessman and a person had a real sense that...
The world looked on with great interest as Russian warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin ordered his troops to turn their weapons away from the enemy in Kyiv and aim them at the...
Having sworn on the Bible to tell the truth, he said, very simply, “Mementos.” “So, sir, is that why you took those documents? Is that why they ended up in...