Donald Trump gets his hand in the cookie jar a lot. First, we had the I-didn’t-pay-off that-woman-I-had-sex-with cookie jar, followed by the I-didn’t-collude-with-Russia cookie jar, and now the I-didn’t-shake-down-Ukraine cookie...
Ugly, ugly, ugly. The rain, the wind, the offense—all ugly. But still, it was a 10-6 win for the Patriots over the only thing uglier than the elements, the Dallas...
Every Wednesday during the NFL season, Kru’s Control will offer readers a pre-port. A pre-port is a first cousin to a pre-diction, but it’s not just a guess about the...
When I was just a kid and I walked home from school for lunch, my mother always had the TV on. For the most part, the television fare involved a... It's almost a smile... The Patriots 17-10 win over the Eagles wasn’t exactly the Mona Lisa of victories. Not very artistic. Definitely not a masterpiece. But escaping Philadelphia with...
Every Wednesday during the NFL season, Kru’s Control will offer readers a pre-port. A pre-port is a first cousin to a pre-diction, but it’s not just a guess about the...
If Trump can be President, almost any idiot can say, “Why not me?”
What can you do about a crook when everyone acknowledges his guilt but himself?
Aah, it’s bye week for the Patriots. Lots of time to speculate. To lick one’s wounds. To rationalize about that one loss. To assure oneself that it’s just it’s the...
Ouch! Last night the Baltimore Ravens drubbed my beloved New England Patriots to the tune of xx-zz.