Misinformation (??)

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Our intrepid leader, Donald Trump, tells us daily that we are bombarded with misinformation, with fake news via ultra-liberal and totally inaccurate sources such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN, and that the vast majority of the Americans are swayed far left as the result of biased reporting.

To test whether this is the case, we have devised a test of facts that is as straightforward as it is comprehensive and objective. We invite you to take the test, check out the answers, and see if you have an accurate and complete understanding of the TRUTH, so help us God.

True-False Test

  1. With over 2.5 million cases of COVID-19 in the US, this is a good time to attempt to eliminate Obamacare, which would void the health coverage of up to 23 million Americans.
  2.  Although every responsible health care expert has advocated the wearing of masks, especially in indoor gatherings, it is best not to wear one.
  3.  Stop and frisk is a great way to insure the safety of Americans, and would not affect racial groups differentially.
  4. The increase in reported COVID19 cases is due to nothing more than increased testing.
  5.  It is impossible to tunnel under a wall.
  6. Removing children for long times from their parents and placing them in cages is a good way of increasing the resilience of those aged 4-10.
  7. Hydroxychloriquine not only cures COVID19, but it will clear up your eczema.
  8. William Barr conducts the business of the Justice Department with extreme professionalism and totally avoids political influence.
  9. Finland is part of Russia.
  10. Donald Trump will easily win a second term.

Answer key: 1 (True); 2 (True); 3 (True); 4 (True); 5 (True); 6 (True); 7 (True); 8 (True); 9 (True); 10 (True).

Interpretation of Score: 8-10 (you are smart, informed, and listening to the right sources for your information); 4-7 (you are somewhat informed, but have been led astray on many important issues); 0-3 (how sad you are, you must also be under the delusion that Biden would better than Trump).

Source: Fox News (in consultation with Vladimir Putin)

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Richard Smith
Richard Smith
4 years ago

As part of the silent majority, I will not tell you my score!!



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