In over his head. From the very beginning, when the megalomaniac real-estate-developer-turned-media-star announced his entry into national politics, people worried that this self-described smartest-person-on-the-planet didn’t have the intellect, no less...
Here and there and now and then, all sorts of thoughts about our current political dilemmas pop into my head, and I say, “That would make a good topic to...
“So let me explain how things work up here. You see, with so many good people dying every year since I created the Universe, we’ve got lots and lots of...
I find myself desperately seeking justice in this world, but no matter where I look there’s not much to be found. Being just a beginner at this justice thing, I...
Just yesterday I watched a bit of the Republican response to the charges against Donald J. Trump, and it made me wish I had gone to law school. I am...
I wish I were as smart as Nancy Pelosi. And I wish my favorite Congressional representative weren’t about to celebrate her 80th birthday this March. And regardless, I wish she...
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Trump, Here at Mrs. Cuthbert’s Elite School for Very Rich White Children, we endeavor every day to enlighten our dear little ones, trying to enrich their...
Donald Trump gets his hand in the cookie jar a lot. First, we had the I-didn’t-pay-off that-woman-I-had-sex-with cookie jar, followed by the I-didn’t-collude-with-Russia cookie jar, and now the I-didn’t-shake-down-Ukraine cookie...
When I was just a kid and I walked home from school for lunch, my mother always had the TV on. For the most part, the television fare involved a...
If Trump can be President, almost any idiot can say, “Why not me?”