The other day I found myself beseeching God for an explanation of why he has brought two plagues, Trump and COVID, down upon us, and I realized that this sort...
Our intrepid leader, Donald Trump, tells us daily that we are bombarded with misinformation, with fake news via ultra-liberal and totally inaccurate sources such as the New York Times, the...
An emergency meeting of Republican election strategists was convened recently. This pack of well-paid masters of spin was called in and told to go into panic mode, as for once...
In a startling development, the Lone Ranger, a long-time supporter of Donald Trump, has announced that he will no longer wear a mask. Tonto, who was a backer of Bernie...
Some people may prefer a vodka martini, but I want my COVID Cocktail. As each day passes and governments begin to talk about opening up, I ask myself, “Yes, it...
There’s a real difference between what some have called “quarantine fatigue” and what I would call quarantine madness. Yes, I can understand now why the dog gets so excited whenever...
Ninety-five percent of my time is spent at home. No meetings to attend in Boston. No dinners out, nor any movies or shows. Not even the occasional trip to the...