Trump Fatigue

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Drained. Fatigued. Disgusted. I’m all Trumped out.

Neighbors who moved into a house down the street a year or two ago used to fly a MAGA flag by their front door, then about a month ago it was replaced by an American flag. I don’t know this couple, don’t particularly want to, but I said to myself, “Aha, even these people are so fed up with this charlatan that they have finally given up on him. The American flag is fine, but it’s so nice to know that they cannot bear any longer to be associated with the fool known as Donald Trump.” Then yesterday, the Trump flag made a reappearance. So sad. It made me sick to my stomach.

It’s just tragic that a person incapable of leadership came to be elected during a public health crisis that cries out for leadership. I would settle for a weak leader, an awkward leader, even an incompetent one. That would be so much better than what we have now.

Ronald Reagan was demented for much of his time in the White House, and the junior George Bush was never accused of being the sharpest crayon in the box, but at least they both knew to let people with some knowledge and some competence run the show while they stepped up in various public forums to lip sync policy decisions.

Those administrations may have made mistakes, large and small, but it was so much different than today. The current occupant of the White House directly contradicts every bit of science and common sense that we have. Don’t worry about masks. The virus will just go away—and if it doesn’t, it was never really that bad, and, by the way, we’ll have a vaccine the day after tomorrow, one for which I will take full credit (if it works).

Trump Fatigue. The symptoms? Mood swings from hopelessness to anger and rage. Gastrointestinal problems, in particular, severe nausea every time the man appears and directly contradicts anyone whose pronouncements are based upon evidence and an understanding of reality. Neurological symptoms, featuring severe headaches in the face of constant deceit and daily falsehoods and lies.

I understand that a vaccine for Trump Fatigue is being developed in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Loads of people are volunteering to participate, and a major clinical trial will be starting November 3. 

In the meantime, I tell myself to hang in there, that the symptoms are temporary and reversible. And yes, I believe that there is a cure in sight.

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Richard Smith
4 years ago

does bleach work?



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