Poor Joe Biden! Poor Us! Us meaning those of us who had hoped that Biden could and would thump Trump.

Could it be possible that one “bad event,” you know which one I’m talking about, could so derail a candidacy? Trying to answer that question, I ask myself, by analogy, whether one bad moment could actually mean the end for Humpty Dumpty? Each of these good eggs, Joe and Humpty, once sat at the very top of the wall and each had a bad fall. I know that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men have been working feverishly, but I fear that neither Joe nor Humpty can ever be put back together again.
Apropos of the above, here’s an idea to answer the question of Joe’s current mental capacity that sounds out in left field at first, but actually makes a lot of sense. Context: My guess is that those who are extremely close to Biden, including the good Dr. Jill, have noted that he’s not what he used to be, and in their most private moments wondered how the Commander-in-Chief would actually do on “that test,” the one that Trump says he’s aced.

That test, known as the Mini Mental State Exam, is a standardized test that takes little more than 5-10 minutes to administer. It represents the gold standard for dementia testing and has been given to older adults for many years. The idea that getting an okay score on it is a mark of distinction is something that only an idiot like Trump could possibly boast about. But what if Jill and Hunter could persuade Joe, ever so quietly, ever so discretely, to take the test. Have a trusted professional administer it in private, in total secrecy, and only Joe, his very closest inner circle, and the super-trusted test administrator would ever know the results. If the score looked good, Biden could go public. He could proclaim that he did take the test and came out with flying colors, at least as good as his moron-opponent. Biden could even challenge Trump to re-take the test to demonstrate that he’s still up to the job. But if the results looked troubling, then maybe Joe and those closest to him would actually admit to themselves that maybe it is actually time to step aside. As long as they could be kept secret if so desired, the results—either way—could be the impetus to a comeback against an old opponent or the writing on the wall leading to a resignation in favor of a younger candidate.
The other day I heard James Carville, who is always entertaining but not necessarily always right, note that if Biden stays in the race, it would be challenging for him to perform well in the second Presidential debate, currently scheduled for Sept 10. I tell you what, James, you make for good TV, but there ain’t gonna be a second debate. I say this with a fair degree of certainty, although with one caveat.
Let’s play out two scenarios: If Biden stays in the race, why would the Trump camp want to give their Democratic opponent a chance at a comeback performance? Just as Trump refused to debate his wannabe Republican challengers, saying that they weren’t worthy of his attention, Trump could easily justify ducking out of the second debate saying that the first debate had been so definitive that a second debate wasn’t necessary. Or, the Trump campaign could have him feign altruism, a characteristic he has never demonstrated before, saying that he felt sorry for old-man-Joe, and that he wanted to save Biden the shame of being embarrassed again. My one: caveat: If the Trump campaign really buys into Biden as seriously demented and they truly smell blood, they might welcome a second debate to twist the knife, to bury Biden, and win by landslide up and down the ticket. Having said this, however, I believe that it’s highly unlikely that the Trump would risk giving Joe a chance to redeem himself.
But if Biden drops out, why would Trump and his handlers risk giving the new nominee center stage? Why would they risk the possibility of having the nation see that the new nominee is the anti-Biden, is energetic and charismatic, and is able to score significant points that would pull Trump down? If you think you’re ahead and you don’t want to open the door, play it safe, duck your opponent. If Disney were alive, he would offer Mr. Trump this simple advice: Donald, Duck.
Immediately after the debate I was one of those who thought, O.k., one bad night. But the more one considers it the worst it appears. Then came the presumably-redemptive Stephanopolous interview. Nothing there, in my view, to feel good about. I think Biden has been a great president; I think he would again be a great president despite the fact of pretty obviously having lost a step or two. But to be president he has to be elected and as it looks now, for reasons I find hard to understand, the convicted sexual predator and convicted felon, the ignorant, largely… Read more »